File Groups

Hightail for Business is giving users an easy way to organize files within a Space!  Creating a File Group within a Space is quick and easy.  It allows you to group together specific assets and organize easier.

When inside of your Space, you can create a new File Group with existing files in the Space as well as upload new files. 


You have to option to create a new File Group by selecting the red + icon and choosing Create a group.


You can also click on specific files within the Space and choose to Move to a group.


Then you will need to name the File Group that you are going to create.


Once you have selected your files they will then be added to the File Group.  Files moved into this group will no longer be in the main file library.  Files can be moved from one group to another as well. 


You can create multiple File Groups if needed in a Space.  


Easily add more files to any File Group by dragging and dropping or hitting the red + icon in the top right corner.


Once your assets are uploaded to the File Group you can share this with other users.  Sharing permissions is based on the Space level settings.  If a Space is private the end user will need permission to view the group.  If the Space is public they will have immediate access.  End users will need edit permissions in order to add and remove content from a File Group. If a File Group is deleted the files along with the group itself will no longer be available. Users can choose to remove files from a group or move to a new group within the File Group view.

*This feature is only for Business Accounts*


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