Hightail Plugin for Adobe Update Process
It is always advisable to use the latest version of Hightail Plugin for Adobe. If you are not using the latest version of the Hightail plugin on Adobe product, please follow the below process to update the plugin and use the latest features of Hightail.
- Go to Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop > Window > Stock & Marketplace
- Go to Plugins > Search all plugins for Hightail, and hit Enter Button. Or open the Manage plugins window
If there is an update available then, the plugin will show the Update button. Close the other Adobe applications like Photoshop, Illustrator, etc. Click on the Update button and allow the installation to happen.
- If you could not see the Update button in the previous step, then please Exit Creative Cloud (not close) the app and open again as given below. Creative Cloud > File > Exit Creative cloud > Quit
- Your Hightail plugin update is successful! Go to your favorite Adobe App- Photoshop/Illustrator and start using the Hightail plugin and enjoy the new features.
- Verify: If you again come back to the Manage plugins option in Creative Cloud, you can see the Hightail app with the status as Installed.
If you find any issue with updating the plugin please reach out to Hightail support team or send an email to enterprise-support@hightail.com